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The Top 10 Things That Require Climate-Controlled Storage

Moving a house is no easy job. The job becomes even tougher, especially when you live in areas that have extreme climate conditions, like the UAE, which has a hot climate most of the year, or Canada, which is usually cold around the year.

When you plan office or house relocations in such places, you need to be careful of many things, such as opting for climate-controlled storage units that will keep your things safe and sound until they can be relocated. Not all things from your house need to be stored in a climate-controlled storage unit; when you store some things that are not meant to be stored in specialized units, you may end up harming them. So to help you make things simple and easy, Kingdom International Movers shares a list of the top ten things that require climate-controlled storage.

Here are a few tips for personalizing your Dubai apartment after relocation.

Let Us First See What Climate Controlled Storage is.

A climate-controlled storage is a form of storage container specifically built to maintain constant temperatures and humidity levels. Usually, storages maintain a temperature between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, as it is usually considered constant. Climate-controlled storage is often only found at storage facilities with inside storage spaces. At Kingdom International Movers, we have a climate-controlled storage facility where you can store your things without worrying about any climatic effects. Very few house movers and packers in Dubai offer such storage facilities.

Storage units have systems that combine to produce moisture, temperature, and humidity together. These are the crucial parameters for maximizing the climate of a space and efficiently storing things in it. While greater humidity means more heat in the air (and less humidity means less heat in the air), more heat and more humidity equal more moisture. It prevents moisture from forming and keeps your belongings safe when the temperature and humidity are kept consistent and under control. Which is efficiently done at Kingdom International Movers storage units.

Top 10 Things that Require Climate-Controlled Storage

1. Wooden furniture, leather furniture, furniture with upholstery, cane, and wicker furniture

2. Electronics

3. Media (DVDs, videos, vinyl records, etc.)

4. Artwork

5. Clothing, particularly if it’s lace or leather, or if it’s going to be stored in bags

6. Important documents

7. Photographs

8. Musical instruments

9. Wine

10. Antiques

These are a Few Additional Equally Important Things

  • Collectibles (stamps, coins, comic books, etc.)
  • Medical supplies and medications
  • Makeup and toiletries
  • Household appliances
  • Sports equipment
  • Bicycles with leather seats

When you consider how these goods react to moisture, it becomes easy to see why they need to be stored in a climate-controlled environment. When you are in doubt, you can always ask your hired apartment movers and packers in Dubai for help.

Since moisture exposure can cause wood to distort, crack, or rot, while leather can get discolored and can grow mold or mildew, local movers in Dubai recommend storing things made from this in storage units with climate control. Also, electronics are susceptible to rusting or cracking, which might make them harmful or unsuitable to use in the future, so it is advisable to store them too. Documents, paper products, and pictures can crumble or otherwise lose their ability to be read, which is why most apartment movers in Dubai recommend you store them in climate control storage units too.

Consider the following when determining if an item has to be stored in a climate-controlled space:

  • Will mold or mildew grow on the thing?
  • Will it get discolored, cracked, or deformed if not stored properly?
  • Will the thing expand, contract, or become hard when stored appropriately in extreme heat?
  • Is it intended to be kept at a specific temperature (wine, art, etc.)?
  • Is it valuable, emotional, or uncommon?

Professional movers and packers in Dubai suggest that it would be wise for you to rent a climate-controlled storage unit if the answer to any of the above questions is yes.

You may also find our blog titled “How to Stay Organized Throughout Your Relocation”, interesting to read.

Other Reasons to Rent Climate Control Storage Unit

If The Duration Is High

If you plan on storing your things for longer durations, like seven to eight months or a couple of years, then renting a climate-controlled storage unit will be in your best interests. For longer periods, the temperature hugely varies, and when your belongings are tightly packed and kept in closed units, the chances of them getting damaged are high due to climatic variations. However, if you plan on storing only for a couple of months, then you can rent a normal storage unit as the temperature variations will be fewer in a shorter period.

If you will be Storing Valuables, Antiques, Rare Items

Some things hold very high sentimental value, such as an old grandfather’s desk or grandma’s antique silverware, which is irreplaceable no matter how much money you give to someone. Similarly, if you are a collector and collect rare, valuable things or have an antique collection, it is a good idea to store these things in climate-controlled units. Some of the best movers and packers in Dubai suggest that you purchase a full-service package from your movers so that navigating between different relocations becomes easier for you.

You may also enjoy reading our blog titled “The Difference Between Residential and Commercial Relocation.”

If You Reside in a Hot Region

Another reason why movers and packers in Dubai suggest that you use a climate-controlled storage unit is if you live in a hot climate. In the case of Dubai, it is quite necessary to store some important and climatically sensitive things in a storage unit so that they remain in good condition for longer durations.

Rent a Climate Controlled Storage Unit with Kingdom International Movers

If you are planning to relocate to Dubai and need to store a lot of valuable stuff, then Kingdom International Movers will assist you with renting a climate-controlled unit that meets your needs. Our team will also extend their support to help you move stuff to the storage unit and then, when needed again, from the storage unit to your address.

Get in touch with our team for more information.

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