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Summer is one of the best seasons for most countries to carry out tasks such as moving and relocating. But when it comes to the UAE and Dubai, it becomes a bit difficult to move during the summer season, as the temperature during this period can rise to extremely high levels.

But on the brighter side, there are a few plus sides to a summer relocation, such as schools are on vacation in this period, and hence no additional work for kids and schools. Also, during this period, all businesses have cool offers, so you can save money.

Most people choose to relocate in the summer since it does not interfere with their children’s schooling. At the same time, in the UAE, Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, falls throughout the summer season. Moving during the summer fasting season might thus get very difficult.

Add to it the tantrums and demands of your family’s youngsters during the summer vacation, and the entire move starts to become daunting. With a little pre-planning and the assistance of house movers and packers in Dubai, you can make the entire process of relocation go more smoothly while avoiding the summer heat. Here is some advice from one of the top movers and packers in Dubai, Kingdom International Movers, for moving to the UAE during the summer season:

1. Pack As Efficiently As You Can

Carrying heavy boxes and bags on hot days while fasting can be exhausting. Pack more effectively to minimize exhaustion. Sort items by their utility or by their size. You may make each package smaller to make it easier to transport.

Sell or donate unwanted items to get rid of them. Do not hoard goods and keep in mind the limited space in the home you are moving into. Reduce the weight of every item and piece of luggage. Move each of these boxes to the new location in batches with the assistance of the best movers and packers in Dubai.

2. Be an Early Bird and Start Planning Well Beforehand

As schools are on vacation during this period, and with the holy Ramadan month and all the summer offers, there are high chances that you won’t be able to book your desired movers or any other service providers. Consider the limited space in your new house and prioritize your packing accordingly. Most movers and packers in Dubai suggest you get rid of any unwanted items beforehand to avoid last-minute hiccups. Keep the stuff you will need daily, such as kitchen appliances and a few daily-use clothes, for the final batch of moving, so it becomes easy to access these things. While items such as the television and sofas can be transported in an earlier batch. You may also get up early and pack because it is the coolest time of day in the summer. Furthermore, you will not be disturbed by children or anybody else at this time of day.

3. Take Frequent Breaks

When professional movers and packers in Dubai work during hot summer days, they ensure that they take frequent breaks. Don’t panic and begin everything at once. Pack according to your priority list. Take frequent small breaks throughout to avoid becoming overly tired.

This is especially crucial because the UV rays of the sun are stronger during this time of year. Working too hard during this period might result in dizziness, dehydration, heatstroke, and even fainting. If you really must work at this time of day, try to do it indoors.

4. Organize Your Stuff Carefully

Many goods may be heat sensitive and deteriorate if exposed to high temperatures for an extended period. Some plastics, electric appliances, and other items must be protected from high temperatures throughout the summer. Even luxury goods like leather bags, paintings, and cosmetics can easily get spoilt when exposed to high heat. To make things easier for you, you can hire movers and packers in the UAE to handle these tasks efficiently for you.

Move heat-sensitive items separately and with care when packing and unloading them into your new home. Also, remember to take care of your skin while packing and relocating. Remember to use sunscreen every day, both inside and outside.

5. Pack a Cooler For Your Moving Day

Most international moving companies in Dubai, when they go out on a hot summer day for work, pack a cooler for their crew. The cooler includes cold beverages and cold sandwiches to keep the crew energized during the entire relocation process.

If you are planning on carrying food from your former residence, make sure you carry a cooler full of ice to keep things chilled. Dairy, fruits, and meats should all be securely packaged in a cooler to keep them fresh for a long time. You can even pack a few light snacks for the day to keep yourself and your family fueled for the long drive. Ensure that you don’t eat in public when the holy month of Ramadan is going on.

Bring a small cooler with ice-cold water and sports drinks, as well as a couple of moist washcloths to keep you cool and calm throughout the day. Moving in the summer heat may be hazardous, so having cold goods on hand can be lifesaving and is also critical for safety.

6. Keep Hydrated

Moving around in the summer heat can quickly lead to dehydration or even a heat stroke. Make sure you have plenty of water on hand on moving days and take as many breaks as you need to keep hydrated. Although your movers may bring their water, it is a standard courtesy to have some cold water accessible for them as well. Local movers in Dubai urge their clients to keep consuming as many fluids as they can and to stay well hydrated to beat the heat.

7. Hire Professional Movers

Moving and packing are both challenging tasks. It’s challenging on any day, let alone a hot summer day. If you are fasting, you should get enough rest to avoid being exhausted. If the procedure appears to be too difficult, you can always employ the best home relocation services in Dubai to help you with packing and moving. They will take care of everything. This makes the relocation procedure much easier. You can use the time you have available to prepare for the other important events. It is also an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your children and create memories during summer vacation.

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